Tuesday, December 17, 2013

25 weeks...

How Far AlongWell this is way overdue!  I was supposed to do this last week.  Today I am 25 weeks and 1 day. 

Size of Baby:  The baby weighs 1.5 pounds and 13.5 inches.  I actually had my 24 week appointment last week and when she measured me I am measuring 27 weeks.  Shew!

Maternity Clothes:   Yes of course...no turning back.  I'm actually to the point where it is inappropriate to wear my bathrobe outside of in front of Josh and Garrett...ha!  no more going to start the car with my bathrobe on.  Don't want to scare the neighbors.

Gender:  Boy and still no name...coming soon.

Movement:  Yes :-) He had slowed down for a little bit, but I honestly think it's because I was going 150 mph and didn't take the time to relax and feel him.

Sleep:  Still is awful!  Oh man.  I am sick right now and thought that I would finally get some good sleep...nope!  I lay down and sleep until around 2am and then am up and don't really fall back asleep.  I feel like a zombie.  I'm hoping that this will turn around and I can get some sleep soon.   

What I miss:  Picking Garrett up and deli meat... 

What I'm looking forward to:  Christmas.  Garrett is SO EXCITED.  Oh my goodness I can't wait to see him Christmas morning!  Josh and Garrett got me a gift about 2 weeks ago and he is BUSTING at the seems to tell me what it is.  If we make it to Christmas it will be a miracle.  I also am ready to see if I failed my glucose test.  I guess I will find out this week.  I have a feeling I did.  then the three hour test comes...boo!

Cravings/Food Aversions:  I am actually able to eat more finally.  this could be a good or a bad thing...

Symptoms:  Feeling bigger and getting out of breath a lot easier.  That could also be me being sick too, but it doesn't take much.  Also very emotional/hormonal.  I've been burning the candle at both ends and it finally caught up with me.  It is hard to slow down sometimes...

Workouts:  Workouts were not good again.  I'm still having a really hard time controlling my heart rate.  I'm hoping that it is just hydration and electrolytes but it is hard to have run a half marathon in March and not be able to walk at a brisk pace now.  I canceled my workouts for this week and they are closed next week.  so maybe taking off a few weeks and catching up on rest will help too?
Best moment this past weekI felt the baby roll over in my belly today I think...ha!  also I LOVE my midwife Monica.  Last go round I had a huge problem with weight.  At my last appointment I was ready to defend my weight and she told me that I looked great!  She said I looked fit and pregnant, not fat!  I could have just took her home with me!  Now I just need to be careful with the food and no workouts because I will easily gain! 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

22 Weeks

How Far AlongTomorrow we will be 23 weeks.  This blog post is late due to Thanksgiving and exhaustion.  I was actually going to put it off a few more days but then figured if I did that it would be time for the 24 week post.  It's getting more and more real that December is going to fly by and then we will be into 2014 and the baby will be here.  wow...

Size of Baby:  The baby weighs 1 pound!  He is the size of a spaghetti squash and is around 11 inches long. 

Maternity Clothes:   Yes and I'm in love with yoga pants and leggings.  I'm still not 100% confident in the way that the leggings look, but they are SO comfortable!  Oh my goodness.  I wish I could wear the yoga pants daily.  When pregnant with Garrett I was able to wear dresses and skirts because it was hot most of the time with him.  Not so much this time without pantyhose.  I don't know many that like to wear pantyhose...blah. 

Gender:  Boy and we are narrowing down baby names.  Josh and I are complete opposites.  We had a date day this weekend and I brought our list so we could go ahead and figure it out.  He said "We still have a few months".  Well I'll give it a few more weeks but I'm ready to bond.  At least the first name!  I'm fine waiting on the middle name.

Movement:  Yes :-)  I'm loving it.  I feel him the most around 11in the afternoon and 9pm at night.  I am guilty of eating something sweet to get him really moving.  Josh was actually able to feel him move for the first time on Saturday November 30th.  Yay!!!

Sleep:  Still comes and goes.  I find my biggest problems are my hips still and tuning my brain off of the million things going through it.  I flip and flog all night to get the pressure off each side.  I still feel like I get a decent nights sleep but nothing like pre pregnancy. 

What I miss:  Picking Garrett up.  I did miss my glass (or glasses) of wine tonight while we decorated for Christmas.  I love to have wine while sitting under the tree! 

What I'm looking forward to:  The Holiday's are here!  yay! We are going to visit Santa on Tuesday and possibly Saturday.  The Christmas parade is also Saturday.  Garrett is so excited about Christmas!  His elf, Harris Teeter also came tonight.  PRAISE!!!  Hopefully he will help him find his listening ears that have been lost for a few months.

Cravings/Food Aversions:  I have not been eating well and can feel it.  I'm tired a lot.  We had Thanksgiving this week and we have had way too much food.  My reflux is acting up a little.  Dairy is bothering me a little too.

Symptoms:  Nothing too new.  I am starting to get out of breath some when going up stairs.  This week I came upstairs to take this picture for this most and was breathing heavy and said give me a minute and then we will take the picture.  Garrett said "Bless your heart".  BAHAHAHAHAHAAA.  I died.

Workouts:  Workouts were not as good this week. I only had the one Monday and then didn't go the rest of the week because of Thanksgiving.  I tried going on a walk Thursday and got overheated.  It was freezing outside and I bundled up a lot.  I almost fainted and vomited.  Starting to learn my limits...I'm just not used to not going 100 miles per hour.

Best moment this past week:  Josh feeling the baby move.  Also getting all of our Christmas stuff out!  Garrett was OVER.THE.MOON. excited!  It's awesome to see the magic through your child's eyes.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

20 Weeks...HALF way there! what???

How Far AlongWe are 20 weeks and 4 days.  We are half WAY there!  How did we get to be already half way done!  We still have so much to do, and we realize that it will be going fast from here (or at least until 30 weeks when it gets "harder"). The big things we have to do are come up with a name and figure out a nursery!  Luckily since it is another boy we have a lot that we will be able to use again.

Size of Baby:  The baby weighs 10.5 ounces and is the size of a banana...ha.  He is growing

Maternity Clothes:   Yes and I have a love/hate relationship with it.  I'm trying not to buy any additional clothes.  Most of my pants fit when I leave the house and then are falling off of me by the time I get home.  My tops are working pretty well. 

Gender:  Boy and I believe Garrett is preparing me for a life full of BOY.  Let's just say I hope I have enough energy. 

Movement:  Feeling more and more, but not as much as I would like.  I definitely go through stretches when I don't feel much at all during the day.  He seems to be pretty much enjoying hanging out low in my belly.  I think I feel him pretty much under my belly button.  I'm so ready to be able to see him move so Josh and Garrett can see him move too! 

Sleep:  Sleep is touch and go.  My hips are my biggest problems.  A few nights a week they ache all through the night.  It's whatever side I'm laying on.  I truly haven't gained that much weight so I don't understand where the pain is coming from.  I've read that it is somewhat common so I hope that it is gone soon.  Other than that sleep is alright. I just know it's going to get harder and harder as we go along.  Sadly I am in bed by 9:30 at night at the latest...sometimes asleep  by 8:45.  Tonight I took a 20 minute nap around 7pm.

What I miss:  Holding Garrett.  I don't pick him up because my boy is SOLID.  It makes me a little sad that by the time the baby is born he might be too old to pick up.  I will still try my best!!!  I also miss him sitting in my lap.  It's getting harder to let him get snuggled up in my lap.  I miss my body but also love the bump. 

What I'm looking forward to:  the Holiday's!  What I'm not looking forward to is getting on the scale!  I weigh myself at home and do pretty good.  But the scales at the doctor's office always are against me...ALWAYS.  ha.

Cravings/Food Aversions:  I have stayed away from red sauce items.  I may try to reintroduce them back.  maybe.  I miss them!  I have been craving Taco Bell soft tacos with extra tomatoes. This is really strange because I HATE tomatoes pre pregnancy.  I am thinking about adding it to sandwiches etc.  I still lean more towards salty vs. sweet items.  I am working on packing my lunches and breakfast and trying not to eat out as much.  We will see!

Symptoms:  My hips hurting!  My back is starting to hurt a little as well but nothing serious.  Oh and forgetfulness!  My boss calls this CRS syndrome (can't remember sh*t).  Shew it comes and goes.  In fact there was something else I wanted to add to this and I can't remember.  Hopefully it will come back to me by next post :-)

Workouts:  Workouts are going great still!  I am truly enjoying the program at ECU.  I've met some great moms that I honestly feel as though I could be friends with after this.  We are all due within 4 weeks of each other pretty much.  It is great to have multiple people to ask if they are experiencing the same things that you are.

Best moment this past week:  Garrett just being such a sweet little guy!  I swear he loves this little guy as much as we do.  He whispered to my belly the other day "Hey when you come out I have lots of toys for us to play with".  MELT.MY.HEART!  Love him!

Here is the 20 week picture!

Garrett wanted in on the picture.  I had no clue he was going to pose like this.  SO TICKLED!

Sunday, November 10, 2013


I haven't done a family update in awhile.  We have had a busy but fun Fall so far.  Garrett has been FULL of energy but oh so sweet.  His heart is just so big and it makes mine so full.  He tells us constantly how much he loves us.  He has been super cuddly and I am soaking it all in.  I don't pick him up anymore since being pregnant so we snuggle!  He also hugs his baby brother and gives him kisses (hugs my belly and kisses it) and it is THE SWEETEST!  The love he has for his brother already is just awesome!!!  He also told Josh that when he gets older and marries me that Josh can still live with us, but his baby brother will have to find somewhere else to live.  hahahahaha!  I love the stuff he thinks of and thinks it is so sweet that he wants to marry me!  What a sweetie pie.
Josh told me last night that Garrett confessed to Josh that he cut his own hair while we were not in the room with him.  LUCKILY we didn't notice so he must have only cut a very little bit.  He loves arts and crafts and will start having to check in on him more often when he is so quiet playing by himself!

We went to Myrtle Beach at the beginning of Fall.  It was a great family trip, but a lot of work!  Garrett loved it and still talks about it to this day!  Here are some pictures:
Family selfie...

First put put experience...thank goodness for the plastic club or we would've been in trouble!  That boy can swing a club!

Family Picture :-) 

always has to be a little drama.  We were laughing while he was saying "It's NOT FUNNY"...ha

He could live in the sand/water

Ripley's aquarium was AMAZING!!!  Must see!

Daddy always is there to play!
Halloween just passed and man it was fun!  We don't live in a big neighborhood.  There are only a few other families with children, so we always go to his best friend Rooke's house to celebrate.  It is so much fun and there are 4 or so of his other friends that come too and they always have a great time.  I cherish the friendships he has made that have ended up being friendships that I have made with the children's parents.  Here are some Halloween pictures from 2013...
This is actually taken before Rooke's birthday party.  I was so proud he wrote his own name.  Growing up fast!

he loves to write his name and I love it too. 

two precious pumpkins

scooping out the yucky stuff

Drawing faces on the pumpkin...I dotted it and then Garrett filled it in

This year he wanted to be a Pirate!  I could just squeeze him

Group Picture of all the kids!!

Madison & Garrett.  We didn't even plan on them dressing alike!

Aren't they just precious

Rooke, Garrett's best bud!

the "doctors"

It will be sad when they are too old to ride in wagons...

Partners in crime

We had a great Halloween.  About two days later though Garrett got his first stomach bug!! We made it 4 years, 10 months without one.  I used to call him the stomach of steel.  I never have mentioned the fact that he has never had a stomach bug because I was afraid to say it out loud!  Ha.  I thought as soon as I said it, he would get it.  Luckily it was just 24 hours.  The morning it hit though Josh had to go to work.  He only works like 2 Saturday's a year and this happened to be one of the Saturday's.  We had both been up since 2 am and were just in go mode.  My parents came over to bring breakfast (we were supposed to go to a pancake breakfast that morning, but obviously that wasn't happening).  She was sweet enough to take him with her back to her house.  I was sad that I was not able to cuddle Garrett and just love on him during this time, but I knew that I did not need to get the stomach bug either since I was pregnant!  Luckily no one else got it and he was feeling better after a few days. 
The Dail's have also moved up to the 21st century with the purchase of I phones!  Josh has used a flip phone since I've known him and I don't know how I convinced him to go to a smart phone and an I phone at that!  We are truly enjoying them, but it is a learning curve!
I plan on doing some Thanksgiving day crafts with Garrett today.  I hope to do a blog on the gender reveal this week.  I am going to get the pictures today :-)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

18 Weeks and Gender reveal!!!!!

Well I missed week 17, so decided to just go to 18.  What a FUN two weeks it has been.  I went to New York last week with my mom and had a blast!  I think it was perfect pregnancy planning.  I was out of first trimester so was able to eat more and had more energy but wasn't too far along that I was uncomfortable!  This week we also found out the Gender and had a gender reveal party :-)  So much fun!!!!

How Far AlongToday I am 18 weeks 3 days.

Size of Baby:  Up to an green pepper (I think that's what it said).  According to the ultrasound, the tech said the baby was 8 ounces and the doctor said 9 ounces.  So growing quite a bit and has doubled in size since week 16!

Maternity Clothes:   Oh yes.  I have embraced leggings and am ready for cool weather to sport them.  In New York I was able to pick up a few more shirts and feel a bit better.  I am trying not to purchase any more than needed because you are only in the clothes but for so long.  Unfortunately these two pregnancies were in different seasons, so I don't have appropriate clothing.  Also my internal furnace has not ignited yet and I still stay cool for the most part.

Gender:  Drum roll please.....Baby is a BOY.  To say we were SHOCKED is an understatement.  Haha.  Everyone thought he was a girl.  We were a little sad at first that we won't have a boy and a girl but quickly embraced the idea of two boys!!!  Josh said we saved a lot of money...ha!  Now time to start thinking names.  We HONESTLY have not thought of ONE name. 

Movement:  From week 16 to not feeling much we have movement now!  Week 17 is when I started feeling light movement.  towards the end of the week I started feeling it more consistently.  This week, 18 weeks I have really started to feel more strong movement!  It is beyond exciting.  In fact tonight I think I saw my belly jump out for the first time! 

Sleep:  Sleep is better but time to invest in a pregnancy pillow.  We lost ours from being pregnant with Garrett.  Those jokers are like 60 bucks, but I need it. 

What I miss:  Still miss deli meat. 

What I'm looking forward to:  Feeling the baby movement!

Cravings/Food Aversions:  Food aversions I'm having now are foods with red sauce.  It's what I love and crave but get crazy reflux afterward.  Still craving salty foods over sweet.  Really turn down sweets a lot...

Symptoms:  Nothing new...

Workouts:  Workouts are going great.  We walked all over New York and I still managed to gain 7lbs!  WHAT???  I busted out laughing and the mid-wife did not think it was that funny.  Well I had been in New York eating wonderful food.  She asked me if the scale could be right.  Well hopefully it will level off.  My next appointment isn't for 6 weeks.

Best moment this past week:  That's a tough one.  New York City was AMAZING!!!!  Memory forever.  We also found out that baby Dail is a BOY!  I will do a separate post on that when I get the pictures back from the gender reveal.  We did a small reveal with our parents and Garrett.  It was perfect!

Here is a picture of 18 weeks:

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

16 Weeks

How Far Along16 weeks yesterday.  I waited until today to do the post because I had a doctor's appointment today.

Size of Baby:  Up to an Avacado!  4 and a half inches long and about 3.5 ounces.

Maternity Clothes:   Praise the Lord Josh found the missing box of maternity clothes!  It was like Christmas.  For real folks!  I still have a few small things that I may need to get but am going to try and make do with what I have!

Gender:  2 weeks from today.  These will probably be some of the longest 2 weeks I've had in awhile!  I know that I won't sleep the night before.  I never sleep the night before an appointment.

Movement:  I haven't had much as far as I know...Garrett was not a big mover so I'm hoping this little one will be.  I love the movement!  They say I should definitely be feeling movement by 20 weeks, so hopefully just another week or two and I will feel this little one!

Sleep:  Well this week hasn't been so good.  Last night was HORRIBLE.  As I mentioned earlier anytime I have an appointment I can't turn my brain off.  That thing runs NON STOP.  Non stop I tell you!  I wish it was all positive thoughts but fear creeps into me and I wish I could just stop it and enjoy this process.  I also caught a cold this week...GAH!  So I could only breath out of one side of my nose.  Prayers this ends soon.

What I miss:  I really really miss deli meat.  I would love a Jersey Mikes cold sub.  But only a few more months and I can make up on that :-)  I also miss a normal nutrition schedule.  I have problems with knowing how full I am without getting stuffed.  Sometimes I get stuffed fast and then feel like crap for hours afterward.  I can also go from not being hungry to wanting to eat the entire fridge in no time!

What I'm looking forward to:  Two weeks folks we find out the sex!

Cravings/Food Aversions:  I feel like I can eat more now.  I just go from feeling great to feeling blah in a snap of a finger.

Symptoms:  ONE WORD:  HORMONES.   Poor Josh, y'all pray for him...ha!  this past weekend I had some breakdowns over the silliest things (such as G making too much noise while Josh had cooked Maple and Brown sugar oatmeal.  That smell makes me want to vomit...he didn't know, does now OR the lady at Chick-fil-a that gave me a cookie sundae and I thought it was a hot whole cookie with ice cream...nope, old cookie crumbled.  I was not happy and that is so ridiculous)  hopefully this will calm down!

Workouts:  This week the weather has been rainy and cold EVERY DAY.  I'm sure that didn't help with the mood I was in.  SO I only got my 3 workouts in at ECU.  They were all 55 minutes each.  This week I want to get in 4 workouts.

Best moment this past week:  Finding dill pickle potato chips and dill pickle burger slices.  I just have to be careful about all the sodium...everything in moderation.  I would say the BEST moment was hearing Baby Dail's heartbeat this morning.  They were in the mid 140's. 

Still working on the posing of the "bump"  Looks like I covered it up here.  Also clearly I'm not a teacher, bless the crooked handwriting.  Hopefully I can start planning this better...but don't be surprised if it doesn't get much fancier :-)

Monday, October 7, 2013

15 Weeks!

How Far Along15 Weeks today!

Size of Baby:  We have moved up to the size of a small softball!  Crazy.

Maternity Clothes:   I've been trying to do some shopping here and there recently and really having a hard time!  I don't want to put a lot of money into maternity clothes that I will only wear for a few months.  The problem is that medium fits pretty good but a large is way too big.  I don't want to get the mediums because I'm afraid they won't fit later.  So continuing to wear the same things over and over again.

Gender:  Don't know yet.  Will find out October 29th.  Just a few weeks left!!!

Movement:  I think I started to feel something this past week.  It's not consistent, but there have been some flutters.

Sleep:  I sleep OK right now.  I had been sleeping pretty well, but last night could not sleep at all.  Not sure what was up with that!  Hoping to get back to sleeping better.  I have been catching up on the weekend by taking naps.  Hopefully this week I can  get a midweek quick nap.  Luckily my parents live within 3 minutes from where I work so I can eat quickly and lay down for about 35 minutes.  Usually just enough sleep to rest up.

What I miss:  I really really miss deli meat.  I would love a Jersey Mikes cold sub.  But only a few more months and I can make up on that :-) 

What I'm looking forward to:  Next Tuesday we have our next appointment and I get to hear the heartbeat again!

Cravings/Food Aversions:  It is interesting that I don't enjoy sweets as much as I thought I would.  There is ice cream in the freezer that would have lasted less than a week that's been in there at least a month!  Food has been strange this go round.  Not really craving sweets, more salty.  Went through a pizza crave and finally got a Papa John's pizza!  SO YUMMY!!  I started off eating almonds and enjoyed them...now the thought of almonds make me want to vomit!  I also can't stand the thought of plain wheat thins.  So strange!

Symptoms:  Nausea in the beginning.  That is starting to die down.  Exhaustion has been ridiculous!  Hoping that will get better. 

Workouts:  I started my study at ECU tonight and it is basically a 5 minute warm up, followed by 45 minutes of brisk walking and then a 5 minute cool down.  I am also trying to get an extra workout in during the week.

Best moment this past week:  The bump appeared and I think I am starting to feel the baby move!

No picture this week, I've decided to do every other week :-)

Friday, October 4, 2013

PSA on things not to say to a pregnant woman (or any woman for that fact)

Well I'm only 14 weeks in and am already appalled by the crazy stuff that people feel is appropriate to say.  Honestly I can really say I'm only 3 weeks out because I only announced being pregnant when I was 11 weeks!  I would also like to say I'm not fishing for compliments!
I've been writing this stuff down and was going to do this list last week but glad I waited because a few more morons came along for me to add some additional stuff.  I will say that these all came from men, although some women do not have a filter either and I wouldn't put it past them.

1.  "DANG GIRL YOU ARE BIG!"  this was when the bump was just beginning to appear and I had put on maybe like 2-3 lbs.  I definitely had a bump but BIG I think not.  Seriously! 

2.  "Don't think that wearing black is going to slim that...".  This is when I was wearing a snug black dress that I was not trying to conceal anything...I was actually proud of my mini bump and was just trying to show it a little.  This was the same gentleman that said "dang girl you are big"...  I honestly don't think people think before they talk

3.  "Are you excited?"  I think most people mean "aren't you excited" and have good intentions but what if I say no then that is awkward! Can't you tell by the huge smile on my face when I told you that I am excited? By the way I am so excited about this. 

4.  "Was it planned?"  Again people.  I have one child already and think I know how the first one got here and pretty sure that's how we got to the place we are in now with baby number 2.  Still, why would you ask someone.  How awkward if I had said no. 

5.  "Are you feeling heavy?"  I think the look on my face told this person that this was a HORRIBLE question.  Do you mean do I feel fat or do I does my belly feel heavy?  Was this person nervous and just didn't know what to say?  I just simply said no and cut the conversation short.

6.  "You didn't plan that very well, don't you know your kids will want to play together".  Well sir if you would like to have paid our second child's daycare then we could have "planned" this a little better so said children could play together.  Plus you never know what people are going through...what if we had been trying and trying and it took 4plus years to get pregnant.  We just planned it this way due to financial reasons it just made sense and it worked for us.

7.  "you swelling up already"  No one wants to hear this.  NO ONE.

I honestly don't feel as if I'm that big.  I've gained like 8 pounds in the 14 weeks that I've been pregnant.  If I wasn't somewhat confident with myself I would be an emotional basket case!   So please people don't ever say any of these to a pregnant woman!  We would all appreciate it!

Monday, September 30, 2013

14 weeks

Well we are 14 weeks along and as promised here is my weekly "bump" update.  My goal is to do this every Monday, but realistically I'm shooting for every other week! 

How Far AlongI am 14 weeks along.  Start of the second trimester!  Wahoo

Size of Baby:  They say the baby is almost 1 ounce and about the size of my fist :-)

Maternity Clothes:   I am about in 85% maternity clothes.  I am still able to wear some dresses and skirts that can still work with the bump.  As far as pants and shorts...100% maternity.  I don't like the type of waist bands that cut below the belly.  I like the kind that cover the entire belly.  Strange I know, but I don't like anything on my belly.

Gender:  Don't know yet.  Will find out October 29th.  Less than one month to go!!!

Movement:  I think I started to feel something this past week.  It's not consistent, but there have been some flutters.

Sleep:  I sleep OK right now.  A lot of times I have no problem what so ever falling asleep.  I do however wake up in the middle of the night (between 1 and 3 in the morning) and can't sleep.  Sometimes I am hungry, etc.  Hoping that second trimester will allow me to get some sleep.  I can usually make it through the week without a nap, but on the weekends I am taking a nap each day.  Thankful for a wonderful hubby and grandparents that takes over and allow me to sleep. I also was having VIVID dreams.  I don't remember anything of late, but shew they were crazy! 

What I miss:  Sometimes I miss alcohol...let's just be honest.  ha.  I miss running.  This is the perfect weather for running.  They say not to start anything that you haven't been doing.  I hadn't run since March.  So I've been walking/doing elliptical.  I also miss deli meat!  My doctor's office says no deli meat unless it's heated for 20 seconds.  Gah...not what I want.  So finding lunch options has been difficult a little.  I'm working on staying healthy...

What I'm looking forward to:  Tomorrow is the first day of October.  One of my favorite months of the year.  We have the fair this week, Halloween, birthday parties for G's friends, and fall festival at Garrett's school!  Also looking forward to my next doctor's appointment on  October 15th.  No ultrasound, but will hear the heartbeat :-)

Cravings/Food Aversions:  Food has been strange this go round.  Not really craving sweets, more salty.  Went through a pizza crave and finally got a Papa John's pizza!  SO YUMMY!!  I started off eating almonds and enjoyed them...now the thought of almonds make me want to vomit!  I also can't stand the thought of plain wheat thins.  So strange!

Symptoms:  Nausea in the beginning.  That is starting to die down.  Exhaustion has been ridiculous!  Hoping that will get better. 

Workouts:  This past week not so great.  My goal is to exercise 3-4 times a week for 40 to 45 minutes at a time.  I actually just got into a pregnancy study at ECU that is all about keeping pregnant women fit and will start that in a week or two.  I will do another blog post on that and am so so so excited!  I gained 68 pounds with Garrett and have NO intention of doing that again!

Best moment this past week:  The bump appeared and I think I am starting to feel the baby move!

Here is a picture from 14 weeks.  We painted a wall with chalk board paint but it wasn't ready for today.  So this picture will be different from the rest.  I always have good intentions but life gets busy and sometimes you just don't have time.  Also, I had just finished dinner so I feel like the bump was a little bigger than normal...and I don't have any make up on!  Those are your warnings!!


Friday, September 27, 2013

Exciting Times!!

As Garrett would say... "TA DA"

That's right...we are expecting baby number 2 in late March of 2014.  This go round has been much different then when I was pregnant with Garrett.  While I was pregnant with Garrett I was never sick except for maybe 3 days.  I have also been exhausted, shew it is no joke!
We were able to tell family around eight weeks and friends around 11 weeks.  We choose not to have genetic testing done so we have only been able to hear the heartbeat, which was incredible to hear!  We have our first ultrasound scheduled for October 29th and at that time we will find out the sex of the baby.  We can not wait!
I think the most exciting part of this journey was being able to tell Garrett.  We went and picked Garrett up from school early and told him we had a surprise for him.  He was pumped.  He got in the car and started the questions about his surprise.  "Is it something I wanted for Christmas?  Is it a car?  Is it a banana?  Is it (just fill in anything you can think)?"  Well he has been asking for a baby brother or sister for a while now so I told him it was something he wanted.
I got him home and told him to sit on the sofa.  I warned him that it was not a toy.  I didn't want him to open his gift and be let down.  His gift was the shirt he is wearing in the picture above.  So he closed his eyes and I put his shirt in his lap.  Before he opened his gift he asked if it was underwear...lol!  I was so tickled!  So he opened his eyes and smiled and said "A SHIRT!!!"  So I told him what the shirt said and asked if he knew what that meant and he said no.  So I told him that it meant that I had a baby in my belly!   He was over the moon excited.  His eyes were so big with excitement and it just warmed my heart beyond words.  He gave me a huge hug and then gave the baby a hug.
He is already protective and it tickles me.  We were headed out to let him tell our parents and he said "Daddy you need to make sure to drive slow because there is a baby in mommy's belly."  I was sitting with him in the back seat and he smiled and said there are 3 of us back here.  He continued this for a while and it made me so happy.  He loves the thought of being a big brother.
I let him wear his shirt the next day to school and he was able to tell all the teachers and friends.  He was pumped.  So pumped that he had a terrible day at school.  Ha! I think he lost his listening ears for the day.
Anyway we are very excited.  I am going to be doing at least every 2 week pregnancy updates.  I know that every week is a bit ambitious for me.  I am so tired it is hard for me to post at night.  I will also post a picture of "the bump" that has formed starting Sunday or Monday.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

May 2013

We had a BUSY BUSY BUSY May.  We were going about 100 mph during May.  There was a lot of fun, but also a lot of sadness.  My grandmother had moved to Greenville back in October of last year due to her health.  She moved from Greensboro where she had lived by herself into a nursing home surrounded by people.  It was a huge adjustment for her but it was so wonderful having her here the last six months.  She was such a strong Christian and influenced me in such a positive way.  I miss her a lot but know that she is pain free and celebrating big time in Heaven!  Her service was truly a celebration of life and was a great service.  It was nice spending time with family that we don't get to see on a regular basis.  Hopefully we will get together again soon.  This was a picture from Thanksgiving. 

During May we also had a BIG trip!  We went to Disney World!!!  It was amazing and I will be doing a separate blog post on that.  Can't fit it all into one.
We played a lot outside since it was starting to get warm.  There was a lot of rain (but not as much as we got in June...tons of rain in June).  Rain does mean getting the bike out and plowing through puddles.  We also had a quick trip to the beach for some quiet family time and it was jut what we needed.  Garrett also went on a fieldtrip to pick strawberries.  He had a blast.  I don't have any pictures from Mother's day, but we had a wonderful time!  We were traveling home from Disney on Mother's Day.  Here are a few pictures from May:

This is our "normal" set up for pool days...Sandy has hers, Garrett has his.  Excuse all the weeds...

Looks so grown...

He puts as much as he can in the pool with him

Fieldtrip to pick strawberries!

Garrett and all his friends from school....

Saturday, June 22, 2013

April 2013

To say we have been busy is the understatement of the year.  I haven't had the energy to keep up with the blog but am hoping to get back into it.  I am going to try and update up to where we are over the next week.  The last post was in March when we were celebrating Sandy's birthday.  We had a blast and Garrett still talks about it today!  His teacher thought that he was telling a story about her party...hahahaha.  I told her that yes we did have a party and I know she thinks we are a little on the crazy side but we love our dog!

April we had some fun things going on.  T ball started.  Garrett hasn't done a lot of "organized sports" so this was his first real experience.  He loved it and so did we.  He was awesome at hitting, throwing (although his direction could use some help still) and running.  Catching was not a strong point of his but that's OK, something to work on.  Parents were heavily involved during tball and it scared me to pieces.  I do not like to catch because I am AWFUL at it!
We also got a chance to do some canoeing, kayaking and playing in the water at ECU's beach.  It was so much fun and we do plan on going back out there this summer.
My dad celebrated his 64th birthday and we always have a great time getting together and celebrating anything as a family.  We do miss my brother and his wife who moved to Charlotte. 
Lastly we were able to play in the backyard and relax some before the full swing of spring/summer started.
Here are a few pictures of fun we had in April:
Does it get any better than kids in goggles??

Love this picture...

ready for T Ball

Spring is not complete without Popsicles and a hammock

Pool with his best friend


family shot!