Friday, July 25, 2014

4 Months

I actually made it on time!  Holla! And got a picture on his actual 4th month!!  How about that???  Ha
Height & Weight:  I don't have "official" weight and height.  We got off schedule with his appointments and his 4 month appointment isn't until the end of this month, so will update with the 5 month update.
Health:  we survived his first ear infection.  Shew that was a long 10 days.  He had his first cold and ear infection.  They put him on amoxicillin which he HATED!   Whoa, he would scream the entire way through it.  It had to be given twice a day and it made it difficult.  We even tried getting it flavored and that did not work either. 
I took him back for a follow up appointment and the infection as gone.  Yay!!!  He is starting to get congested again so prayers that it does  not lead to another ear infection! 
Sleep:  Sleep is about the same which we can't complain.  He is still in his Rock and Play at night time.  Daycare started him in the crib for one nap a day.  So we followed their lead and tried this past weekend and he did great!  I was so proud of him.  We will transition night time sleeping in the next month or so (yikes).
He also only sleeps in our arms twice a day.  Right before he goes to bed and right when we get home from daycare.  He takes a 30 minute nap if he hadn't slept much during the afternoon.  During the day he sleeps in his little chair or crib.
Strangely he mainly uses paci's during the day but not at night.  Occasionally he needs one and we will give it to him, but he isn't reliant on them at night and I hope he stays that way.
Clothes/Diapers:  He is still in size 2 diapers and wearing mainly 6-9 month clothing.  He is really long.  
Social:  He is a social butterfly.  The girls at daycare are always telling me how much they love him and how much he smiles at them... It makes my heart so warm.  He does a good job if we get out and do things and doesn't really like being confined to the house.
Diet:  He is still doing the same...currently on GentleEase and has just bumped up to 5.5 ounces during the day and 6 ounces for two night time feedings.  We have stopped using gas drops, but we are still putting 2tsp of rice in each bottle.  He eats pretty much every three hours during the day.   
Baby Gear Love:  He is still mainly playing on activity mats, but is now wanting to be standing or sitting.  We use his exersaucer some and bumbo seat.  The problem is he spits up a lot when he is in them.  We are still working on tummy time and hope that he will be sitting up soon unassisted.  We have also started using the baby carrier and it is a hit!  It is so much nicer to be able to hold him without having to carry him in our arms!
Hair/Eyes:  His eyes are still really blue and his hear is a strawberry blond. We are still wondering about his hair and if it will stay that way.
Crying:  It's gotten so much better but he still has his moments.  Like last night.  Nothing was going the right way.  Didn't want to be held, didn't want to be put down...just one of those exhausting nights.  He is super LOUD when he cries.   
Likes:  Loves baths still.  Loves his big brother.  Sometimes Garrett will be so annoying to us, but Carter LOVES it and giggles.  So we just let him go and make him laugh.  He loves mornings and is super smiley then.  I've found some tickle spots on him and it is so awesome!
Dislikes:  Doesn't have specifics, but he goes from 0 to 60 in the blink of an eye.  He is happy for most of the time, but when he does get mad he gets MAD.  I guess it's his red hair?  ha.  Who knows.
Milestones:  He slept in a crib for the first time.  Is getting better and rolling back and forth.  He found his toes!  Oh my goodness he LOVES his toes.  If he could get them in his mouth I swear he would never let go!
Firsts this month:  Sleeping in the crib was the big one this month.  He also sat in a high chair by himself.  He somewhat enjoyed it.  It was nice for us to be able to eat with both hands.  I'm not sure if it is a boy thing or what, but he will not sit in his car seat and way!
What I'm thankful for:  so thankful for a happier baby.  So thankful he has started getting used to the crib.  Praying that he will do find when we transition at night time.  I'm super nervous.

Typical Day: I've added this to help me remember what days are like...
On daycare days Carter wakes up around 6:30am.  We have to give him Prevacid between 6:00-6:15 before he eats.  After he eats we let him "play" which consists currently of him laying and kicking on a play mat.  Usually around 7:30 he is getting tired and will sit in his chair until it's time to go to school.  We try to leave by 7:30 to go to school.  Josh and I alternate days taking the boys.  We pick him up between 5:15 and 5:30 and he plays again until around 6:00.  If he took a good nap at school we keep letting him play.  If he hasn't then we put him down for about a 30-45 minute nap.  He eats around 6:30-6:45 and then is up until 7:30 to 8:00.  We do bath and then we hold him until his 9:30 bottle.  I guess once we switch him to the crib we will try and get him to sleep on his own after his bath.  We just have to figure that out once we get there...
On non daycare days, we do the eat/play/sleep.  We are less rigid and let him sleep when he is tired.  We pretty much follow the same as daycare days.  Now we have added the crib in for him to take naps in.  He is outgrowing his chair, so the crib will be here before we know it.
Josh and I are usually exhausted by the time bedtime rolls around and have a hard time keeping our eyes open. 
Not sitting by himself yet...the lean often happens
He LOVES to stand
Happy 4 months buddy!

Monday, July 7, 2014

3 Months

Well another month has gone by.  Whoa.  Again I am behind.  He will be 10 weeks on Monday.  Hopefully I will catch up on Month 3!
Height & Weight:  I don't have "official" weight and height but he is growing.  He had to go to the doctor Friday and weighed 15lbs.  Shew.  He is a heavyweight...ha. 
Health:  He had his first sick visit Friday :-(  I was hoping that we wouldn't get sick for a while since he is attending daycare in the summertime vs. wintertime.  Oh well.  He was really congested and had a temp of 100.5.  We decided since it was Friday we better bring him in before the weekend got here.  He also would scream when we laid him down to change his diaper, so I thought he may have an ear infection. 
Poor thing does have his first ear infection.  It's just in one ear, but they put him on amoxicillin.  I don't like putting him on meds this early, but hopefully it will make him feel better.  He does have a tad bit of an upset stomach and HATES taking his medicine.  We are almost three days down and he has 7 days left.  He is still congested and has a nasty cough.  Prayers that it clears up SOON.
Other than that he is a healthy boy. 
Sleep:  Sleep is about the same which we can't complain.  The only bad thing right now is the cough he has.  It keeps us up sometimes at night with it, but he is still sleeping so that's good. 
During the day we still have him in his little chair that he sleeps in.  We have not introduced the crib to him yet and honestly we aren't in a rush.  The problem is that he is going to outgrow his chair and sleeper soon.  I hope that we can wait until five months to do it.  Daycare is going to start introducing the crib soon.  If anyone has any advice on it I would love to hear.
Clothes/Diapers:  He is still in size 2 diapers and wearing 3-6 month clothing.  Some 6-9 month also depending on who makes it and the cut of the clothing.  
Social:  He is a social butterfly.  The girls at daycare are always telling me how much they love him and how much he smiles at them... It makes my heart so warm.  He does a good job if we get out and do things and doesn't really like being confined to the house.
Diet:  He is still doing the same...currently on GentleEase and is taking 5 ounces.  We have gas drops in each bottle along with 2tsp of rice.  He eats pretty much every three hours during the day. 
Baby Gear Love:  He has started sitting in the BUMBO seat some and we have started to introduce the bouncy seats too.  He can stand those for a little bit.  He really just enjoys laying on the ground and kicking and moving.  It's amazing how he is never still.  Garrett was the same way.  One part of the body is always moving!!!
Hair/Eyes:  His eyes are still really blue and his hear is a strawberry blond. We are still wondering about his hair and if it will stay that way.
Crying:  It's so much better!  He pretty much cried when he is bored, needs a diaper changed or is hungry.  We have an occasional outburst for no reason but nothing like we were dealing with before. 
Likes:  Loves baths still.  He also love his family and will just give the biggest grins... 
Dislikes:  Not a ton of dislikes at this point.  
Milestones:  He rolled from back to stomach a few times and once got his arm out from under his belly!  So proud of him.  He can sit up in his seats without assistance.  He can also focus on an object and grab them and get them.  He tries so hard.
Firsts this month:  rolling from back to stomach is the big one. 
What I'm thankful for:  so thankful for a happier baby.  Prayers that he gets done with this ear infection soon.

Typical Day: I've added this to help me remember what days are like...
On daycare days Carter wakes up around 6:30am.  We have to give him Prevacid between 6:00-6:15 before he eats.  After he eats we let him "play" which consists currently of him laying and kicking on a play mat.  Usually around 7:30 he is getting tired and will sit in his chair until it's time to go to school.  We try to leave by 7:30 to go to school.  Josh and I alternate days taking the boys.  We pick him up between 5:15 and 5:30 and he plays again until around 6:00.  If he took a good nap at school we keep letting him play.  If he hasn't then we put him down for about a 30-45 minute nap.  He eats around 6:30-6:45 and then is up until 7:30 to 8:00.  We do bath and then we hold him until his 9:30 bottle.  I guess once we switch him to the crib we will try and get him to sleep on his own after his bath.  We just have to figure that out once we get there...
On non daycare days, we do the eat/play/sleep.  We are less rigid and let him sleep when he is tired.  We pretty much follow the same as daycare days.
Josh and I are usually exhausted by the time bedtime rolls around and have a hard time keeping our eyes open. 

No picture...mommy fail.  I have plenty from his 3 months, but I don't have an "official" 3 month picture.