Oh Garrett, what fun we have had this past year! Oh my goodness each year with you keeps getting better and better. You are certainly making up for your first year of pure fussiness and zero sleep! You had a TON of firsts this year! You gave up a paci (might have done that before 2, but I think it was after), really took off talking, you moved to a big boy bed and you are no longer in diapers to start with! You went to the zoo, loved the beach and had your first swim lessons!
You love school. You have some of the most amazing teachers this year and we feel so blessed to have them in your life. They love you so much and remind me how good you are and how "all boy" you are as well!
You are very smart (I know every parent says this, but you truly are). We have to be careful what we tell you because you catch on FAST! We only have to show you something one time and you know how to do it. Daddy showed you how to change a tire and the next day I found you with the tools to change a tire and had them on my tire trying to change it.
You have developed quite the personality. We laugh on a regular basis. You also are a bit on the stubborn side (you get this from your mama for sure). Your dad and I are always amazed at how much you talk. He didn't ever think that he would find someone that would out talk me, but you take the cake. We have decided that there is not a thought that goes through that noggin of yours that doesn't come out of your mouth. It kills you to be quiet. Not sure how you do in school, but at home it is non stop chatter.
Recently you told me your favorite songs are Jingle Bells, ABC's and Twinkle Twinkle are your favorite songs. Other activities that you love are: Art, playing with cars and reading. You also love moving whether it is jumping on one foot or dancing like a crazy one.
I call you the enforcer. You always are correcting people on their manners. You like to be the boss. You have awesome manners and make us proud. You must have learned about compliments recently too because this is one of your favorite games: You give us a compliment and then tell us that we have to say "Awww" afterwards. So it goes something like this:
"mommy, I'm going to say you are bootiful (aka beautiful) and you say awww". Me "OK" . Garrett: "Mommy you are bootiful" then you look at me with anticipation and I say "Awww" and you just smile so big!
We had your birthday party at an indoor pool and it was so much fun. You love the water and would stay in the pool or bath all day if we let you.
Garrett you are a sweet little boy and we love you so much. You teach us daily and I could just hug you all day long!
Here are some pictures of your birthday:
Birthday breakfast with CRAZY hair |
Waiting for his gifts (please don't focus on his PJ's, not sure what happened) I just LOVE that smile! |
ALL BOY...loves monster trucks. I swore I would never buy clothes like this, then I ate my words. He loves them and it makes him so incredibly happy. |
Table is set for a birthday! |
Cars theme cupcakes |
Grandparents, Uncle PJ and Aunt Nicole and us |
Love the hats! Cheers |
To say we are obsessed with Batman is an understatement |
Birthday party cake...all things boy |
We went swimming and this birthday boy LOVED it |
He has no fear and this scares his mama! |
Picking away...bless |
My little swimmer |
as I said, no fear |
My heart! |
Great post! What a sweetie. I love the pictures! Especially that last one!! Preciousness!! Happy Birthday, Garrett!