Monday, March 24, 2014


I've done a ton of Carter updates but I don't want to forget all the things Garrett has been up to lately.  This is going to be very random and in no particular order.
Garrett loves Dual Survivor.  Basically it's a show  with two guys Cody and Joe based on surviving in random places (that you would never end up, but total boys show).  Sometimes they have to eat animals to survive.  We usually fast forward through these because they can be a little gory.  Well one day we were not in the room and he saw them eat the animal (parent fail).  Well this past weekend he said  "Mommy how come Cody and Joe ate Jesus?"  This was a few days later and we hadn't been talking about it so this was so very random.   I said what do you mean?  He said "They ate the heart out of that animal".  Bless his heart he knows that Jesus lives in our hearts (and animals I guess) and he thought that they ate Jesus.  I explained that they didn't eat Jesus.  Shew.
That same day we were talking about marriage (it was Josh and my anniversary).  He was telling me about the two girls he was going to get married to. I told him that you only get married once.  His response:  "BOOOOOO".  Well we have some work to do on him!
He is obsessed with age.  He knows that Josh is 30 years older than he is and that Josh is a year older than me.  He knows that he is 5 years older than Carter.  Well about 5-10 times a week we do a "when I turn (insert age) Carter will be (insert age 5 years younger)"; "when daddy is 68 you will be 67".  This goes on and on and on.  Just keep changing the ages.  We let it continue because he is doing math.
He is funny about telling us how much he loves us.  It used to be to the moon and back.  Now he says things like "I love you to the very back desert behind Jesus all the way in the corner" and it gets more and more creative.
He will also ask who I love the most.  I will tell him "you and daddy" and he says "no mommy, Jesus the mostess"...sweet boy!!!
He is obsessed with Tom and Jerry.  He laughs uncontrollably most of the way through it.
He is obsessed with Sandy.  Praise God she is a gentle dog because he is always in her face and hugging and hanging on her.  He can't pass her without touching her.  Obsessed!  She loves him...on her terms ;-)
Lego's, transformers and cars!  He loves them all equally.
He is obsessed with smoking/smokers.  We were teaching him that it is bad and you can die from smoking.  Well he is now the police of smokers!  He will call you out in a heartbeat, so just in case you are a smoker and G see's you...he will call you out!
He can not do Face Time without making crazy eyes and faces...EVER!
He loves to snuggle with me and I hope he continues it for a long time.
He looks forward to books and stories EVERY night.  For the boy that would not look at a book when he was little (it stressed me out to no end) LOVES a book now!
He still HATES with a passion green beans, cantaloupe and pear.
His laugh is just AMAZING.  I get so tickled listening to him laugh.
He is so excited about being a big brother.  God has truly warmed my heart and reassured me about having another baby through his excitement.  It is just awesome.  He has the biggest heart and it melts my heart daily!  He is just the sweetest.
I'm sure there are more, but wanted to jot these down!

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