Sunday, March 30, 2014

Getting closer

Well today is Carter's official due date.  This pregnancy has been so different from Garrett.  I was miserable by this time with Garrett and he ended up being three days late.  When I was pregnant with Garrett I was 1-2cm dilated FOREVER.  When I went into labor with Garrett I was 4cm dilated and it was game time.  I jumped to 7cm pretty quickly.  I have dilated very quickly with Carter.  Around 36 weeks I got them to check and I was already 1-2cm dilated.  At 38 weeks I was a full 3cm dilated.  As of yesterday I am 4-5cm dilated.  The difference is I am not having strong contractions.
Yesterday I went and got a pedicure and manicure that was so nice.  I met Josh at Harris Teeter and while we were there I though my water had broken.  I called the doctor's office and they said to come on in to the hospital (it was a Saturday). 
We dropped Garrett off with his grandmother and made our way to the hospital.  When we got there they put me in the wheelchair...ha.  I asked if I had to use it and they said yes so I just enjoyed the ride.  Unfortunately the other person that was in triage with me had the GI bug...hello germs.  Luckily the nurse was so sweet and let me change in their bathroom so I wouldn't get sick too.  Praise her!  They hooked me up to some monitors and checked to see if my water had broken.  NO SUCH LUCK!  Oh well.  They did check to see how far I was dilated and I was 4-5cm.  They were picking up contractions but they are baby ones.  Apparently he is to high up at this point to bring on full labor.  They told me I could go walk the halls because I am so close to being there to see if anything would change.  It was around 2:00 and Josh and I had not had any food since breakfast so we were starving.  We went to get some food and it was a disaster.  They lost our order and I was walking circles trying to get as much in as possible. 
We got our food and walked the halls for around 40 minutes.  I went back to get checked again and there just wasn't enough of a change for them to keep me.  Boo!  They said I am so very close.  I have an appointment tomorrow with my midwife and she had said she would not make me wait until 41 weeks so hopefully this week we will have a date that he will either come on his own or he will be induced.
If I am induced apparently I'm in pretty good shape since I'm already dilated.  I feel like a ticking time bomb.  I am going to try and get out and do some good walking today to see if I can get things moving.  Time will tell...

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