Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Big Green Truck

I got a phone call from Daycare on Tuesday of this week. If you have a child in daycare your heart sinks EVERY TIME you see their number pop up. It is usually a phone call about your child being sick. I knew it couldn't be sickness related (I thought anyway), so my next thought was "uh oh what has he done?"

Who knew they were calling with EXCITING NEWS!!! It was his main teacher and she said I just want you to know he pooped in the potty today!! I started crying, not full on tears but just a tear or two. To say I was proud was an understatement! I asked her to put him on the phone and he said "HEY MOMMY" in his sweetest little voice. He melted my heart from the word HEY! I asked him if he pooped in the potty and he said Yes! Then he said "BIG GREEN TRUCK MOMMY, BIG GREEN TRUCK" I said yes buddy we will get your big green truck today!

Last week Garrett and I had a date night and we went to Barnes and Nobles. When walking down to the kids books they have about a million toys for kids his age to see on the way back. Brilliant on their part. Next time we will take the long way to get to the kids books. Garrett spotted a big green truck and fell in LOVE with it! I came up with a plan that we would get this truck IF he pooped in the potty. Well it only took a week, but he pooped in the potty!

He then pooped again that same night! We are on a roll!!!!!!!

BUT...he hasn't pooped since then. So now we have to consider taking it away and it makes me so sad to have to do that. I really hope that he will start pooping again. I will give him a few more days.

We are going to also consider going to the dollar store to get some random goodies for rewards when he will go poop in the potty. Ahhh being a parent sure isn't easy and fun all the time, but so worth it!


  1. Just tell Garrett that the truck drove off because he hasn't pooped in the potty anymore. When he poops in the potty again, the truck will drive back to his house. (Never thought I'd be talking about poop in the potty so much, when I don't even have a child!)

  2. Patience, Patience! This is not easy....
    Hang in there, Kim!

  3. We have to start working on the potty too! I want to know what works....

  4. We're potty training right now. Wesley has received so many treats...trucks in the mail from his Gammy for going potty, an M&M every time he pees, and we did a sticker chart that he got a matchbox car or book every 10th sticker. Some days he does amazing and some days it's like he has no idea what I'm talking about. I think this is going to be a long process! I've taken a break from the sticker chart b/c that boy was getting spoiled! I wish I would have thought to drive away the trucks he got for going when he stopped going!
