Friday Josh stayed home with him. They had a pretty good day together, we just couldn't get his fever to break. Still had a cough, but no other symptoms. I got a text about 8:35 am from Josh that Garrett was doing an art project and continued it off of the paper. Apparently they were playing with stamps and he stamped his face like 8 times with a red stamp! HILARIOUS! He said he turned his head for 10 seconds and when he turned back around he had done it. OMG Garrett was SO HAPPY! I love it!
Here is the picture! It still makes me smile. He didn't want Josh to wash it off. He did though!
We also started letting Garrett wear big boy underwear on Saturday. He was supposed to start wearing it at school the next week so we thought we would go ahead and work with him on it. I guess this is another example of first time parenting bad decision making. Why would we do this while he is sick? Oh well. He actually did really well with it and we were so proud!!!
On Sunday we could tell that he would not be ready to head back to school on Monday. He still had a fever and was just super whiny. So I went into work to try and wrap up some stuff and took off with him Monday. We decided to suck it up and go to the doctor even though we wouldn't get any medicine. Well turns out he had a BAD ear infection in his left ear. I felt horrible that we hadn't thought of that. He didn't complain though. So we went and visited with my dad while we waited for prescriptions to be filled. Luckily he was able to go to school Tuesday.
On Thursday he came home with small looking whelps on his arm, behind his ear and a few on his leg. He has had 2 previous reactions to antibiotics before. Let me tell you, you never want your child to have hives. THEY ARE HORRIBLE!!!! So we took him to the after hours clinic and got him checked out. Turns out that they were bug bites. SHEW!
Garrett has never slept in. He has never slept past 8:15 and his "normal" wake up time is 6:15 to 6:30 (if we are lucky). Since he has been sick he has been waking up around 4:45 to 5:15 and waking up through out the nights. I don't work well without sleep, so I was a zombie this past week going to bed around 8:30. Ha!
I think before you leave the hospital you should have to say the same vows you said as husband and wife to your child...In sickness and in health, good times and bad, etc. I knew being a parent would be tough and rewarding, but didn't quite realize how tough it could be until Garrett arrived! He is also SO REWARDING. He melts my heart and I could just squeeze him.
Good to report that he is feeling MUCH BETTER! We are very lucky that he has never had "serious" health issues and is a healthy boy. Will do more posts about our weekend later.
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