Height & Weight: Carter is a big boy! Bless. He is weighing in at 17 pounds and is 26 inches long.
Health: It seems like every month we have a new sickness. He got real congested this past month and ended up on steroids and amoxicillin. It was awful. We were hesitant on putting him on all of the meds and actually called the doctor about stopping it because he seemed to be getting better. Luckily we kept him on because strep started going through his class. He finally got over his funk. Here is such a sad picture of his breathing treatment.
Poor baby! |
He also has started going through a super whiney stage...shew! We can't figure out where it's coming from. I took him to the doctor and they can't find anything wrong so we are waiting it out.
Sleep: Sleep is about the same which we can't complain. Starting this Friday we are going to start putting him in his crib at night...to say I am a bit nervous is an understatement. Praying he does OK with this. He does sleep in his crib during the day but it doesn't last a super long time. During the day at school he sleeps around 2 hours total. At home he will sleep longer.
Clothes/Diapers: He is still in size 2 diapers and wearing mainly 6-9 month clothing. He is really long. We are actually going to move up to a size 3 diaper after we are done with this pack of size 2.
Social: He is a social butterfly. The girls at daycare are always telling me how much they love him and how much he smiles at them... It makes my heart so warm. He does a good job if we get out and do things and doesn't really like being confined to the house.
Diet: He is still doing the same...currently on GentleEase and has just bumped up to 5.5 ounces during the day and 6 ounces for two night time feedings. We have stopped using gas drops, but we are still putting 2tsp of rice in each bottle. He eats pretty much every three hours during the day.
Hair/Eyes: His eyes are still really blue and his hear is a strawberry blond. We are still wondering about his hair and if it will stay that way.
Crying: It's touch and go lately. We used to have a happy happy boy on our hands and now he is FUSSY. Don't know what is going on. He seems to be uncomfortable and it could be teeth. Who knows? Praying it goes quickly and our happy boy is back!
Dislikes: Mainly night time pisses him off. Once the lights go down that temper can just come out of no where if you don't get him to bed in time. Whoa!
Firsts this month: He started solids! I will post more about that later. He loves them. I can't tell if that is making his stomach upset and that's where the whining is coming from??
What I'm thankful for: so thankful for a smart baby boy. He is growing so fast it's crazy! Here he is mimicking Josh. Too funny!
Typical Day: I've added this to help me remember what days are like...
On daycare days Carter wakes up around 6:30am. We have to give him Prevacid between 6:00-6:15 before he eats. After he eats we let him "play" which consists currently of him laying and kicking on a play mat. Now he is sitting up and playing! Usually around 7:30 he is getting tired and will sit in his chair until it's time to go to school. We try to leave by 7:30 to go to school. Josh and I alternate days taking the boys. We pick him up between 5:15 and 5:30 and he plays again until around 6:00. We eliminated his nap in the late afternoons. It makes him a big cranky sometimes, but it's OK. He eats a solid around 6:15 and then his bottle around 6:30-6:45 and then is up until 7:30. We do bath and now have started to read a book and go ahead and put him in his sleep sack. this is to prepare a new routine so he knows it's time for bed. We hold him until his 9:30 bottle. I guess once we switch him to the crib we will try and get him to sleep on his own after his bath. We just have to figure that out once we get there...
On non daycare days, we do the eat/play/sleep. We are less rigid and let him sleep when he is tired. We pretty much follow the same as daycare days. Now we have added the crib in for him to take naps in. He is outgrowing his chair, so the crib will be here before we know it.
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