Monday, July 9, 2012

"Thank you God for Eberything"

This past Sunday was one of the scariest days I've ever had.  It started off as a normal day, but Garrett and I decided to go to the pool.  Garrett is a fish and would love to be in water 100 percent of the time.  We played and played and there were only a few families there because we were there early.  My parents were meeting us there.  There are two big slides there that he loves and make me a NERVOUS wreck.  The problem is that there is nothing under the slides except concrete.  Well now you know why this makes me crazy.  He has always done so well going up the slides.  Most of the time I stand behind him in case he falls and this time I stayed in the pool.  I was watching him and all of a sudden my worst fear became a reality.  Just typing this I need a xanax thinking about what happened and it makes me want to vomit.
Well he lost his footing and fell from about four and a half feet up the ladder straight back.  He screamed.  I saw him bang his head on the concrete.  He tried to get up and had trouble walking.  Everything was going in SLOW motion.  My mommy instincts kicked in and I didn't freak out on the outside but was a wreck on the inside.  I got out of the pool and ran to him as fast as I could.  I held him as close as I could and took him to the seats we were in.  I checked his head and there was a gigantic goose egg on the back of his head.  He wouldn't talk to me because he was crying so hard.  A lady that was there at the pool came over and told me she was a trauma nurse and asked if she could check him out.  Praise the Lord.  I told her of course she could and was so thankful she was there.  She said his eyes looked good and he was able to walk.  I called the peds while she was checking him out and my parents were with him.  They told me to come on to the Emergency Room. 
We went on to the Emergency Room and Garrett got checked out and the doctor said he was fine.  We were told to watch him for the next 48 hours.  We left the ER and hugged on Garrett.  Once we got home I went to a room while Josh and him ate lunch (I wasn't hungry after all this) and I just cried.
I know you aren't supposed to play the "what if's" in your head, but I did.  It scared me so bad.  Phew. 
There were a couple of things that occurred though that reminded me that God was in control.  I believe that God had his arms wrapped around Garrett when he fell.  I also believe that the trauma nurse was an angel sent to calm me and help me.  The doctor and nurses were so unbelievably calm and helpful. Later that day Garrett looked at me and said "Mommy can we pray?"  He's never really asked this before and I told him of course we could, what did he want to pray for?  He said for God to protect him  (he heard me say that God had protected him during his fall earlier in the day).  My heart melted immediately and I told him of course I would.  So we prayed together and thanked God for protecting him and sending the angel to be with us.  We also thanked him for the doctor and the nurse that did a good job looking after him".  I love this boy so much!
When we ate lunch Garrett said the blessing.  I can't hear his first full sentence but it says "Thank you thank you (and this is where I can't understand what he says, I think he says food); thank you God for eberything"
I honestly thank God for everything and I am so thankful for all of his blessings.


  1. Oh Kim!!!!!!!!!!! How scary!! I am so thankful that a) he is okay and b)you survived!! You rock, Momma!!

  2. Oh my goodness, I have cried for you reading this and am having to take some deep breaths. The Lord was certainly present for this ordeal keeping you all safe. Glad you were able to keep your cool and have your moment later and SO THANKFUL that Garrett is okay!

    He's a tough cookie like his Mommy! :)

  3. Oh my goodness, this had me in tears! I am so thankful he is okay and will thank God, too!! You have a very special boy!!! Hugs.
