He's starting to make lots of noises with his mouth. He will make motor sounds or car sounds while playing with cars. One day he was trying to get the motor sound going and he couldn't get his lips just right to make the sound. He told me his lips were broken! Ha!
Garrett crosses his legs when sitting about 95% of the time. He looks like a little grown man!
I don't wear tank tops very often. The other day I had one on and he asked me why I had on my bathing suit? Very random, but got me tickled!
When playing hide-n-seek Garrett usually hides under a blanket on the sofa or on one of the beds. If we say "Where's Garrett?" He will tell us exactly where he is. "I'm on the bed under the blanket, come get me"! ha! Bless his heart!!!!
Garrett loves to be NAKED. When he gets out of the shower or bath, he will yell "Here comes naked boy"! He had a HUGE smile and so proud of himself. He will say "I'm naked boy mommy". Yes you are!
Right now he gets prizes for pooping in the potty. His favorite prize is a matchbox car. I swear he will produce one for a car in a flash. Josh and I have to hide the cars because he will become obsessed with going to the potty. Well occasionally we will say sit on the floor and close your eyes and let me see if we can find a car. He will sit, but sometimes we will see him peek. The other week we didn't have a car available for him and he said "Mommy I will sit on the floor and you find a car, OK? You find a car mommy?" Ha...he is a smart cookie!
Well this is most of what he is doing right now. He also started his "big boy" class on Monday. He moved from a room with around 9-10 kids to around 18 kids! Big move. I still wish that there weren't that many children in his class, but we have WONDERFUL teachers! I am really excited about this year.