Wow the last three weeks have been a whirlwind of ups and downs. It's crazy how fast time flies! Carter started daycare the week before I went back to work. Some people may think that is selfish, but I needed it and really think it helped with the transition of going back to work. Carter started on Monday June 2nd. I was soooo nervous about it! I know our daycare people, but Carter had been really fussy and I was nervous. Nervous that he would be thrown off schedule, is he going to sleep all day, is he going to be awake all day and then be so exhausted by the time we get back home?? Well I should have not worried. It has been WONDERFUL. He LOVES it soo much. Maybe a little more than home sometimes...ha! I was also worried that I would be late for work all the time. Sometimes I am late, but for the most part am able to get to work by 8:00.
First day, already asleep! |
Garrett has enjoyed helping with Carter. His "job" is to bring the formula in every morning. He loves to do it and skips into school with it. He also has started taking his car seat out to where they are stored. I took Carter and Garrett to school the whole first week (since I wasn't working) and it was a good "practice" round. Josh started the next week and Garrett told him everything he needed to do. Ha. He's such a good helper.
The same week that Carter started school, Garrett graduated from! One coming in and one going out. His graduation was SO SWEET!! They all wore caps and gowns and had tassels and the whole nine yards. They all came up one by one and said what they wanted to be when they grew up. So much fun to hear. Garrett wants to be an architect. He would be awesome. He currently can build Lego houses and pieces without any help. He looks at the instructions and just does it. Smart boy. He honestly gets this from his dad. I can't do that. Here are some pictures from graduation.
Party at the park day of graduation...who is this BIG boy?? |
Carter at graduation. Ha he was out shortly after this |
With his friends |
Proud graduate! |
mommy and Carter |
Family of four!! |
So excited Uncle Preston came |
With Grandmommy and Pops :-) |
Garrett will still go to daycare until he goes to Kindergarten in August. So we have double daycare payments right now and I don't know how people do it for so long. While Garrett is still there the teachers in Carter's class are being sweet enough to bring Garrett down once or twice a week to visit with Carter. I'm so thankful for that. I wish we could continue to send Garrett to daycare after school but we can't afford it. Luckily the school he is attending has a wonderful after school program and we will be sending G there.
For my last week before going to work I had a staycation at the house. It was so nice to be in my own house with just me...never happens! So I spent the days cleaning out lots of my junk. I also found my "big girl clothes". Praise that I had not donated them yet. I need some transition clothing while trying to loose the weight. My mom and I spent one day together and it was awesome. I went back to work on a Tuesday and so the Monday before that I got a massage. It was INCREDIBLE!!!
I've been back to work for two weeks now and have adjusted quite nicely. I have a very laid back working environment and that helps.
I started back on eating right this past Monday. Carter will be three months old on Monday and I can't use him as an excuse much longer. I gained 48lbs during pregnancy and as of today I have 18 left. So 30 down, now the hard part. I did loose 4.4lbs as of today so we are on the right track. Although I do have my birthday in a couple of weeks and that will throw things off some. I am going to start exercising next week. It is really hard to find the time now that we have two kids. Shew.
We have fallen into a nice (sometimes boring) routine at home. We are stuck indoors lately because it's too hot for Carter to be outside. It's hard to balance it all. Josh and I both feel guilty for not being able to do as much with Garrett as we used to be able to do. We've decided we are going to start alternating weeks and doing a date night with him each. That way he will get some time just to himself with one of us. Hopefully this fall we will all be able to be outdoors together and do more as a family together.
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