Sunday, June 24, 2012

Time to press the restart button

To say we have been busy is an understatement. I have more blogs to come from my brother getting married and then going on vacation. We have been going a hundred miles per hour (or so it feels) for the past month. I have been letting things that are important to me slip away. I have not exercised, I have been eating like it's my last meal and I haven't been putting God first in my life. I know I have gained weight and I'm tired because of what I've been eating. It is a vicious cycle. I am not eating right which is causing me to put on weight, what I'm eating gives me zero energy, which makes me not want to work out! You get the picture!

So this week I started trying to get back on track...somewhat! Ha! I have a long way to go, but am happy with where I am headed.

Every Tuesday morning I have a Bible study with a wonderful woman from church. We talked and I've decided to start getting up about 20-25 minutes before Garrett gets up and have my quiet time. This is the one thing that I get an A+ for this week. Tuesday through Friday I got up and had my quiet time. Saturday I didn't do any because we went to church. Sunday I did it in the afternoon. I've enjoyed my time and am also journaling so that I can see where God is working in my life.

Exercising...well probably a C- at best. Ha! I worked out two times this week. The goal for this next week is to work out three times. I don't want to kill myself. I've lost my enjoyment for working out. I used to LOVE the gym and LOVE exercising. I got burned out. It wasn't fun anymore. So I am getting back to having fun. I want to shed whatever weight I have put on, but I'm not getting on a scale. I don't think. I am trying not to focus on numbers. We will see how it works out.

My eating habits were better this week. I did have fruits and veges and didn't eat out as much. I plan on trying not to eat out at all this week for lunch. We will see how it goes. I'm also trying to cook at home more. Saves money and calories!

Well now that we had a nice weekend at is to a successful week! More posts to come about Preston and Nicole's wedding, couponing, Topsail Island and the other fun we have been having this summer.

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