It has been very cold here these past few weeks. I'm not a huge fan of cold weather, but strangely prefer to run when it is cooler out. Now by cooler I mean it needs to be in the 40's! Needless to say my running this past week has been HARD and not as consistent. I did however have an incredible run with my girls last Saturday. We set out for a 7 mile run and we ended up doing 9!!!!! I was so excited. I haven't been able to run like that ever! Traci and I ran a 10 mile race in December. Before that, 8 miles was the longest I was able to do. This was a HUGE accomplishment! I missed this weeks long run with the girls so had to do it on my own. I ended up running 10 miles! My knees hurt bad after, but today has felt better.
We have been going to a lot of basketball games recently. Garrett LOVES them and does so awesome during them. He didn't do so great during football. The games were too long and HOT. So this has been really nice. Baseball season is right around the corner and we will be trying out baseball games next!
Last weekend Garrett and I went out and fed the ducks at the Hospital. The ducks are not scared of people and will come right up to you and take the bread. Garrett talks to the ducks the entire time and just laughs! I love it. This time however there were seagulls out there. I truly dislike seagulls. They were all in our faces begging for bread and stealing them from the little ducks. We had to stand on a bench because the ducks were crowding us. Here are some pictures from our little adventure:
Look how close they get! |
My guy with all the ducks following him for some food! |
I had to put him up on a bench because they were crowding him ;-) |
Following the ducks around. They actually didn't run away, just waddled on. |
Then there were a few chases :-) |
Garrett has also been SO FUNNY lately! OMG he kills me. Tonight at the grocery store he was talking to the cashier and I couldn't hear what he was saying. All I heard was the cashier say "You are three. Oh I'm 21" With a big grin. I couldn't tell who was more proud to tell their age!
He also tells me that I'm his favorite girlfriend and that I'm beautiful. Melts my heart! He is just a doll!
Wish there was a "like" button here, I would press it! Great job on the 10 miles Sunday!